COVID-19 Safety Measures

Please watch the video below to review the new check-in procedures in accordance with CDC guidelines for Infection Prevention During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

At Sala Family Dentistry, we have implemented our own stringent COVID-19 Safety Protocol to keep you safe at your next visit to our dental office.

sala dentist covid-19 safety protocol sheet

If you have any questions regarding our COVID-19 Safety Protocol please contact us!

hypochlorous acid spray covid-19 safety measure
covid-19 safety gear
two women wearing covid-19 safety masks
covid-19 safety measure uvc light filters
covid-19 safety measure checking patient temperature

Make An Appointment

At Sala Family Dentistry we are taking the threat of COVID-19 very seriously. We have implemented rigorous COVID-19 Safety Measures because your health is our #1 priority.

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