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So far unraveldev has created 71 blog entries.

Happy National Brush Day


What better way to celebrate National Brush day than the day after Halloween!  We hope to reinforce the importance of oral health and promote good tooth-brushing habits! Quick Tips to Improving Your Dental Routine Have a toothbrush and toothpaste in your purse or car to always have it in sight. Never forget to brush your teeth. Always brush your teeth after you […]

Happy National Brush Day2019-05-05T20:52:33-07:00

Tips for keeping your kids cavity free during Halloween


HALLOWEEN CANDY AND TEETH If your child is going trick or treating or attending Halloween parties, be on the look out for sugar bug’s (cavities) favorite treats! Here is a quick guide to make healthy decisions for your child’s teeth this Halloween! Avoid candy that is sticky such as bubble gum, gummies, taffy and caramel. […]

Tips for keeping your kids cavity free during Halloween2019-05-05T20:55:03-07:00

What is an orthodontist?


So, you’ve made the decision that it’s time to straighten your teeth and get that smile you’ve always dreamed of.  Or, you’ve been told by your child’s pediatric dentist that it’s time for them to get braces.  Who do you take them to?  What is an orthodontist and what is the difference between an orthodontist […]

What is an orthodontist?2019-05-05T20:57:24-07:00

An Apple a Day


People have been asserting that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” since the 19th century. While it may not necessarily be true that those who eat apples never have to see a doctor, apples certainly have great health benefits for our bodies! Did you know they can even be good for our teeth? […]

An Apple a Day2019-05-05T20:59:08-07:00

Favorite Fall Filipino Recipe: Pancit Sotanghon


Ingredients: cabbage – 5 leaves; chopped calamansi carrots – 2 medium-sized; cut into strips chicken bouillon cubes – 2 pieces chicken meat – 1 cup; cooked and shredded chicken stock or water – 1 cup cooking oil – 4 tablespoons garlic – 1 cloves; minced onion – 1 medium-sized; chopped oyster sauce – 2 tablespoons […]

Favorite Fall Filipino Recipe: Pancit Sotanghon2019-05-05T21:01:46-07:00

Try This EGGS-periment at home!


A hard boiled egg’s shell is very similar to the enamel on a tooth. It protects the soft inside, or dentin, from damage. Unfortunately, some of our eating and drinking habits make it difficult for the enamel to protect our teeth from damage. Try this experiment to help demonstrate to your child the damage soda […]

Try This EGGS-periment at home!2019-05-05T21:04:40-07:00

Smiles for Freedom Recap 2018


This last Friday was my very favorite day at Sala Family Dentistry! On Friday August 17, 2018 we held our Fourth Annual Smiles For FREEdom Event! This is a day where our office staff come together and volunteer for an entire day to provide free dental services to our local veterans and military service members. […]

Smiles for Freedom Recap 20182019-05-05T21:07:44-07:00

Meet K.C. Gilbert, D.M.D., M.S.


Dear Sala Family Dentistry Team Members, I would like to introduce myself to you and your practice. My name is K.C. Gilbert, and I completed my third and final year of my orthodontics residency at the University of Florida in Gainesville. I am incredibly excited and read to join the Sala Family Dentistry team in […]

Meet K.C. Gilbert, D.M.D., M.S.2019-05-05T21:09:26-07:00

Fourth Annual Smiles For FREEdom Event


On Friday August 17, 2018 Sala Family Dentistry is proud to be hosting their Fourth Annual Smiles For FREEdom Event! Smiles For FREEdom is an opportunity to allow dental professionals to come together and provide free dental services for an entire day to veterans, and members or our armed services. This program was started by […]

Fourth Annual Smiles For FREEdom Event2018-08-08T11:55:00-07:00

Top 25 Reasons to Choose Sala Family Dentistry


We get asked a ton of questions about how to choose the best dental care provider. So, we’ve compiled our Top 25 Reasons to Choose Sala Family Dentistry as your reno dentists: Don’t have dental health insurance? We offer multiple in-house savings plans, to suit your dental needs. Similar to an insurance plan. Community Support. […]

Top 25 Reasons to Choose Sala Family Dentistry2018-07-26T10:40:50-07:00